Large putter grips
Large putter grips

What Does a Bigger Putter Grip Do: The Pros and Cons

Bigger putter grips, also known as oversized or jumbo grips, have become increasingly popular among golfers. These grips offer several advantages and potential drawbacks that can significantly impact your putting game. Here’s a detailed look at the pros and cons of using a bigger putter grip:

Pros of Bigger Putter Grips

  1. Reduced Wrist Action

    • Stability: A larger grip reduces wrist movement during the stroke, promoting a more stable and consistent putting motion.
    • Smooth Stroke: This helps maintain a smoother, pendulum-like stroke, which can improve accuracy.
  2. Improved Feel and Control

    • Comfort: Bigger grips can be more comfortable to hold, especially for golfers with larger hands.
    • Control: Enhanced grip surface allows for better control, reducing the chances of twisting or turning the putter during the stroke.
  3. Reduced Grip Pressure

    • Relaxed Hands: Larger grips encourage a lighter grip pressure, preventing the golfer from squeezing the putter too tightly.
    • Better Touch: This lighter grip can lead to better touch and feel, crucial for distance control.
  4. Enhanced Alignment

    • Visual Aid: The larger grip can help with alignment by providing a better visual reference.
    • Square Face: It can assist in keeping the putter face square to the target line, improving directional accuracy.
  5. Consistency in Stroke

    • Even Pressure: Promotes even pressure in both hands, leading to a more consistent and repeatable stroke.

Cons of Bigger Putter Grips

  1. Reduced Feedback

    • Less Sensitivity: The larger grip can dampen the feel, making it harder to judge the impact and the speed of the ball.
    • Feedback Loss: Some golfers might feel disconnected from the putter head, which can affect their ability to gauge the strength of their stroke.
  2. Weight Distribution

    • Balance Change: Bigger grips can alter the balance and weight distribution of the putter, potentially affecting the swing weight.
    • Adjustment Period: Golfers may need time to adjust to the new feel and balance, which could temporarily affect their performance.
  3. Suitability

    • Not for Everyone: Not all golfers benefit from a bigger grip. Those with smaller hands or who rely heavily on feel may find it less advantageous.
    • Personal Preference: The effectiveness of a larger grip is often down to personal preference and individual putting style.
  4. Limited Availability

    • Fewer Options: Some putter models might not offer larger grip options, limiting choices for golfers who prefer certain brands or styles.
    • Customization Needed: Golfers may need to customize their putters with aftermarket grips, which could involve additional cost and effort.


Bigger putter grips offer several benefits, such as reducing wrist action, improving control, and promoting a more consistent stroke. However, they also come with potential drawbacks, including reduced feedback and changes in weight distribution. Whether a larger putter grip is right for you depends on your personal preferences, hand size, and putting style. It’s often a good idea to try out different grip sizes and see what feels most comfortable and effective for your game.

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